Ginger root is an incredible natural remedy for nausea and vomiting, stomach ache and upset stomach.
The ginger root extract has a number of health benefits – it can eliminate nausea, caused by travel, pregnancy, chemotherapy or surgery and it helps to treat cold, arthritis and cardio-vascular diseases.
You surely know that ginger root is a wonderful and aromatic spice, suitable for seasoning of many dishes. It really gives food an incredible and memorable taste and this is just a fraction of its many advantages.
Ginger root is already well studied also as a cure for a range of ailments and diseases. This use of ginger root has a long history mostly in the traditional Chinese and Indian medicine where it is used primarily for treatment of digestive problems, upset stomach and nausea. Furthermore, Asian herbalists use ginger root to treat arthritis and cardio-vascular diseases. The ability of ginger to increase body heat and eliminate toxins by promoting sweating has established it as a traditional medicine for treatment of colds.
What is the secret of ginger?
Researchers believe that the positive properties of ginger stem from the high content of specific phenolic compounds and volatile oils. Ginger is also a source of vitamins A and B, amino acids and trace elements.
Medical use of ginger
Nowadays doctors widely recommend ginger for prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting, caused by travel, in pregnancy, after chemotherapy or surgery. The herb for sea-sickness – you will probably come across this definition most often. Many publications in specialized medical journals speak of the incredible health benefits of ginger root in a number of stomach problems – colic, diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, stomach cramps and loss of appetite.
You should always have ginger root extract at hand when you travel if this type of activity nauseates you. You will get convinced of the truthfulness of this advice very quickly and will see that travelling can be much more pleasant than exhausting.
Helping pregnant women
Almost every woman who has been pregnant knows how unpleasant nausea during the first months of pregnancy can be. Few are the lucky women who haven’t encountered that problem leading to unpleasant sensations and discomfort. Unfortunately, traditional medications for nausea and vomiting work by suppressing the centre in the brain that controls these reflexes, i.e. they influence the nervous system and can damage the foetus. As a natural and harmless treatment ginger root is strongly recommended for nausea in pregnant women.
Scientists from the University of Maryland have conducted a research proving that ginger can reduce nausea in pregnant women when taken for a short period of time – no more than 4 days.
30 women participated in the research. They all suffered from severe nausea accompanied by vomiting. Within the study, one part of the pregnant women took 1 g of ginger daily for 4 days. In contrast to the placebo group, the participants who took the supplement reported a significant decrease in nausea after the end of the research.
IMPORTANT! Despite the positive data reported, if you are pregnant it’s necessary that you consult your physician before starting to take any medication or dietary supplement.
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