Obviously there’s a reason why so many people smile with their mouth closed in photos.
The smile is one of the most important features of the human face and one of the most defining. Maybe to a large extent good first impression depends on it. This is the reason why smokers or people with stained teeth from coffee drinking are embarrassed.
The fact that so many people are concerned with their appearance in recent years led to a boom in the tooth whitening industry.
Now there are so many options for that – you can go to a dentist, who will whiten your teeth, you can go to a store that specialises in selling such products or you can buy a tooth whitening kit from the pharmacy…
Although all these options give results, you should be careful because they may turn out to be dangerous for your health. This made a lot of people search for a natural alternative for tooth whitening in which no chemical components, bleach or special technical equipment are used.
Natural ways of tooth whitening
1. Hydrogen peroxide + Sodium bicarbonate
This is a tested and very popular method of tooth whitening. Preparing the recipe will take you only a few seconds. Besides it will cost mere pennies compared to the expensive kits or visits to the dentist.
The secret to achieving maximum results is to make the mixture more diluted than regular toothpaste. Sodium bicarbonate can be aggressive towards tooth enamel. That’s why you should add more Hydrogen peroxide while stirring.
When your mixture is ready just smear your teeth the way you do with a regular toothpaste and then rinse. Your teeth will look whiter, as well as cleaner.
2. Tooth whitening oil
This ancient Ayurveda technique has been used for thousands of years and far longer than any contemporary technique. This fact alone is sufficient for you to draw a conclusion regarding its efficiency. But still this method is not for everyone, you need a little more patience and perseverance to get used to it.
Tooth whitening with oil is a technique that helps remove stains from the teeth but also helps the overall detoxification of the body.
So, how does it work?
First, you need to choose our oil. Most people prefer coconut or olive oil.
Second, gargle the oil in your mouth energetically and thoroughly for 20 minutes.
Third, spit.
Most people prefer to wash their teeth with regular toothpaste after the procedure to remove the oily feeling in their mouth.
3. Activated carbon for tooth whitening
This method may seem terrible to you at first but you will be surprised by the results.
Activated carbon has also been used for many years for tooth whitening and is extremely effective. Its results are due mainly to the chemical composition of the carbon.
Activated carbon is a highly hygroscopic and porous substance that can bind to constituents such as tannins which stain the teeth. To apply this method you just have to dip your toothbrush in powdered activated carbon and brush your teeth as usual. Then rinse.
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