Published By: K.D Cameron
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Now present in Europe too


For over 45 years Swanson Health Products has been delivering health across the world. Thousands of clients have long trusted the company when they have to make their choice in order to solve a specific health problem or just to improve their lifestyle and nutrition.

I am very happy that my team and I can share our extensive experience in Europe as well.   

Our website gives you the opportunity to choose among more than 250 nutritional supplements bearing the Swаnson logo, which guarantees that you will get the highest quality at the lowest possible price in Europe. 

Swanson Health Products Europe is the official representative of Swanson Health Products and delivers its products to 16 European countries:

Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden.

To be most useful to our clients we developed our website in 6 languages: English, German, French, Italian, Greek and Bulgarian. You can shop online 24/7 and we will do our best to deliver the products you order as soon as possible. is yet to develop and expand with the addition of useful and up-to-date information. New products will be added gradually and our assortment will become richer to meet all your needs and expectations.


I am glad Swanson Health Products is already in Europe.


And as I always do, I will finally wish you health,


Lee Swanson

President of  Swanson Health Products



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