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Pubblicato Di: K.D Cameron
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Most people know that high cholesterol and triglycerides are linked to cardiovascular health risk, but that’s not the only thing these markers influence. New research out of Stanford Medical Center in the U.S. has uncovered a link between high triglycerides and bone fracture in women.
The 13-year study involving more than 2,000 women found that an increase of 50mg/dl was associated with a 31 percent increase in fracture risk within two to five years and an 11 percent increase in overall risk over the course of a woman’s life.
Physicians consider blood triglyceride levels to be high when they reach 199 mg/dl, but in my practice, I council anyone with readings above 150 mg/dl to take immediate action to manage their levels and ensure they do not continue to rise. Levels between 150 and 199 are technically considered borderline, but as this new research shows, we don’t yet know all of the risks associated with elevated triglyceride levels.
So what can you do to help manage and maintain healthy triglycerides? First, of course, is to limit high fat foods and eat a well-balanced diet including plenty of whole grains, fiber, and fruits and vegetables. Nuts have also been shown to have a positive impact on triglycerides.
Supplements can also be helpful. Fish Oil and Omega-3s have been shown to have benefit in helping to maintain healthy triglycerides. Fiber can be supplemented if you’re not getting enough in your daily diet—and the fact is, most of us simply aren’t getting what we need. Niacin, or Vitamin B3, has long been recommended for triglyceride maintenance and is still routinely used in clinical settings today.
If you’re approaching or even past menopause and don’t know your triglyceride levels, I urge you to have them checked. Once you know where you stand, you can easily take steps to ensure that you stay within healthy limits and protect the health of your heart and your bones now and into the future.
Want to know more about this new study? Read about it here.  


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