Published By: K.D Cameron
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Which foods should you eat in order to have normal blood pressure?

The main factors contributing to heart health are regular physical exercises and a healthy way of life – without alcohol and cigarettes. And these are probably the things that are easiest to achieve by most people, as long as their will is strong enough.

A person cannot change their genes but has full control over what they eat and how much they exercise.

Cardio-vascular diseases are the most common cause of human death and it’s an alarming fact that there’s a high percent of people suffering from hypertension. But the good news is that very small changes in the lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.

Start with a change of your diet.

Usually most people eat three times a day. You spare the time for it anyway and it’s much easier to change your dietary regimen rather than spend time on more exercise and sport. We will help you by giving you a list of foods which are included in the famous DASH diet and which maintain normal blood pressure.

DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is an eating plan based on the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, wholegrain foods and healthy fats, which appeared in the early 90s. Since then dozens of scientific studies have proven that DASH significantly reduces the risk of developing a number of diseases among which stroke, cardiovascular insufficiency, kidney stones and diabetes, and also has great results in people who want to lose weight.

So – which are these foods beneficial to blood pressure?

Many people know that in order for our heart to be healthy we have to eat saltless foods – i.e. such that have low sodium content, but are rich in the minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium. Let’s have a closer look at the foods which facilitate the maintenance of normal blood pressure to the largest extent.

1. Flax seeds

Flax seeds provide the body with valuable nutrients such as alpha-linolenic acid, lignans, peptides and fibres – all of them are extremely beneficial to the health of the cardio-vascular system. In 2013 Hypertension magazine published an important report proving that the consumption of flax seeds maintains blood pressure within a normal range.

2. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate will definitely become an easy addition to your diet. Some people get used to its bitter taste with difficulty but in time taste buds adapt to it. According to DASH recommendations the consumption of dark chocolate is especially beneficial, since it provides the body with polyphenols (more specifically flavonols). And according to research they are a valuable source of energy for the body. Aside from improving the resistance of capillaries and stimulating cardiovascular activity, polyphenols in dark chocolate have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action and affect the metabolism of iodine and calcium in the body.

3. Olive oil

You shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that olive oil is part of this list, especially considering the healthy fats it contains. Olive oil has been a part of the

Mediterranean diet for years. It’s rich in polyphenols, which maintain a healthy heart, especially in women.

4. Beet juice

Beet juice seems not to be so popular in Europe yet but more and more studies prove its beneficial effect on the cardio-vascular system. Scientists from Australia have especially studied its benefits for regulating blood pressure and the results are more than positive and promising. One of the most essential ingredients of beetroot is anthocyanins. These are pigments which account for the bright color of beetroot and which have strong antioxidant qualities. However, you should not drink too much beet juice which has a laxative effect. You should have a short break after taking beet juice for 4-5 weeks.

5. White beans

With multiple benefits, packed with proteins and valuable nutrients…white beans should be always present in your cuisine. Only one teacup can supply a good percentage of the recommended daily dose of three very important for normal blood pressure minerals, namely: 13% of calcium, 30% of magnesium and 24% of potassium.

6. Pork tenderloin

You have probably thought this list will contain fruits and vegetables only. But here it is – it contains meat as well. 100 g of pure pork tenderloin contain 6% of the recommended daily dose of magnesium and 15% of the recommended daily dose of potassium. But beware – don’t interpret this as an advice to eat pork every day.

7. Nuts

Most of the nuts are extremely rich in magnesium – the mineral which is so important for heart health and therefore – for the normal blood pressure.

Eat more almonds, cashews and pistachios. They will be a perfect addition to your healthy diet. Data show that over 70% of Europeans suffer from magnesium deficit.

8. Blueberries

Eating blueberries only once a week is enough for you to have normal blood pressure. Just 100 g of them provide 36% of the daily needs of the beneficial for the heart Vitamin K. Furthermore, blueberries are very rich in the flavonoid anthocyanin, which is also beneficial to the health of the cardio-vascular system.

9. Green leafy vegetables

We have already said that the healthy heart needs three essential minerals – potassium, calcium and magnesium. And they are abundant in cabbage and spinach. So, include ample quantities of green leafy vegetables in your diet.

10. Salmon

Fat fish such as salmon is a real bomb packed with omega-3 fatty acids which are extremely beneficial to heart health. But here again as is the case with pork you should be careful not to eat too much of it – eating salmon 2 to 3 times a week is enough. 100 g of salmon contain 1.8% of the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. For comparison, 0.7% of omega-3 are found in the same quantity of tuna.



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