Which 5 foods are very beneficial to your health?
In recent years new “superfoods” are getting more and more media attention. And in this media hype some well-known fruits and vegetables, which are no less beneficial to the health, seem to stay in the shadow. In order to regain your confidence in them, we will introduce briefly their useful properties. And remember: food need not always be “super” in order to be healthy.
1. Tomatoes.
Tomatoes are an extremely popular food which has long been typical not only for the summer. You can find different varieties of tomatoes to suit different tastes in grocery stores throughout the year. Besides, you can find them canned in the form of various sauces.
Why are they beneficial?
Tomatoes are famous for their extremely rich content of antioxidants. One such antioxidant is lycopene, whose huge bone health benefits have long been known. In addition, tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, biotin, molybdenum and vitamin K. Tomatoes’ positive effects on the cardio-vascular and skin health have also been studied.
Tip: The redder the tomato is, the richer in lycopene it is. Try to eat as many fresh tomatoes as possible, especially during the summer season.
2. Yoghurt
The benefits of yoghurt have been more and more praised in recent years. Nowadays millions of people around the globe have yoghurt for breakfast. But do you know what yoghurt is useful for?
Yoghurt is made from fresh milk to which probiotics are added to help its fermentation. Probiotics are “good” bacteria which live in the digestive tract and play an important role for the digestive system health. Besides the good probiotic bacteria, yoghurt is an excellent source of calcium and proteins.
Tip: Look for Bulgarian or Greek yoghurt in grocery stores because it is richest in proteins. Avoid products with sugar and artificial sweeteners added.
3. Sweet potatoes.
Let’s shed some light on the qualities of this product. Sweet potatoes are gaining momentum in the kitchen – you can roast them, you can puree them and you can even add them freely in various doughy foods. Since they are naturally sweet, they are even suitable for the preparation of desserts.
Why are they beneficial?
Sweet potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in vitamins A, C, B5, B6 and Е, potassium and manganese. One average-sized sweet potato will fully suffice for 100% of your daily vitamin A intake. You have probably noticed that sweet potatoes vary in colour, ranging from orange through purple to red and white. Accordingly, their antioxidant content varies, with purple sweet potatoes being richest in antioxidants.
4. Garlic.
Garlic is indispensable in the kitchen and there is hardly anyone who doesn’t know how to use it. It is extremely easy to add it to your dish – you can crush it in a press or use dry garlic.
If for any reason you do not want to use it in your recipes, you can use it in the form of a dietary supplement.
Why is it beneficial?
Garlic is very rich in valuable nutrients while being calorie-scarce. It contains manganese, vitamin В6 and С, as well as selenium. Studies show that garlic can enhance the immune system and reduce the length of some diseases including the common cold. Garlic is also rich in antioxidants which have a positive effect on blood pressure and cholesterol.
Tip: For best nutritional benefits use fresh garlic and add it at the very final stage of cooking in order to preserve all its nutrients.
5. Onion.
Haven’t you noticed that onion is included in almost all culinary recipes? There must be a reason for this. In addition to giving food a unique flavour, onion is very rich in nutrients which are beneficial to the health.
Why is it beneficial?
Onion is a good source of vitamin В6, potassium, manganese and folic acid. In addition, it is very rich in the antioxidant quercetin. Studies show that quercetin maintains cardio-vascular health and promotes body energy in a healthy manner.
Tip: Do not peel the onion too deep! The useful flavonoids (including quercetin) are found mostly in its outer layers.
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