B12 is a part of the vitamin B complex. It’s also known as cobalamin and contributes to the natural production of energy in the human body, as well as other important biological processes.
B12 possesses the most complex chemical structure of all possible vitamins and its deficiency can cause serious damage to human health.
Precisely due to its complex structure B12 is not as easily absorbed as other vitamins.
But B12 has the following big advantage – it’s stored quite well in the body, unlike most of the other B vitamins.
The intake of high doses of vitamin B12 does not endanger human health in any way, because the redundant quantity of it can be easily excreted or is simply stored in the liver in order to be at hand when the overall quantity in the body decreases. Thus, our body can keep B12 for a period of up to one year.
The benefits of vitamin B12
B12 plays an essential part in the formation of DNA. This vitamin is also crucial for the processes which form healthy blood cells and maintain the proper function of our nervous system.
Aside from being important for the formation of red blood cells, vitamin B12 also helps the overall health of the cardio-vascular system, since it reduces the high levels of homocysteine.
Even a small deficiency of B12 can have serious consequences for the human body.
The depletion of this important B vitamin causes overall fatigue, and long-term deficiency causes even more serious health issues. The two groups that are at the highest risk of developing a B12 deficiency are vegetarians and elderly people, who often get malignant anemia. This is a very serious type of anemia caused by B12 deficiency.
Which foods contain vitamin B12?
If you want to make sure that you take enough B12, you should know which foods are rich in this vitamin important for the health.
The only organisms that can produce B12 are bacteria and fungi.
It’s hard for vegetarians to get B12 naturally, so it’s recommended that they take supplements containing it.
According to the website VeganHealth.org “unlike animals, most, if not all, plants don’t need vitamin B12 to function and therefore they don’t have any active mechanisms to produce or store this vitamin. If B12 is found in some plant, this is most likely due to some pollution which cannot be considered a reliable source.”
The only plant where you can find B12 is chlorella, but even there the B12 content is probably due to pollution.
How can we get B12?
We can get B12 only from foods of animal origin, such as meat, seafood and eggs. If you want to add more B12 to your daily menu, pay attention to the following list:
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