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NOW Brain Elevate 60 caps

NOW Brain Elevate 60 caps

Rating 10 Rating: 5.0000
2 Reviews

Code: NF025


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Shipped From European Union by DHL Express
  • Orders processing time 24 business hours
  • Expected Time of Arrival 2-3 business days
  • Delivery by DHL Express ( by AIR )
  • Tracking number - available
  • Shipping Cost - 5.99 EUR all over Europe for orders up to 1kg
  • Detaillierte Beschreibung
NOW Brain Elevate ist wissenschaftlich entwickelt für maximale Förderung der Gehirnfunktionen. Zwei der Grundsubstanzen von NOW Brain Elevate sind Huperzin А und RoseOx. Sie sind durch ihre neuroprotektive und antioxidative Aktivität bekannt und bewährt. In einer Formel mit Ginkgo biloba, Phosphatidylserin und Glutamin ist NOW Brain Elevatе für optimale Ergebnisse ausgeglichen.
Anwendungshinweis: 1-2 x täglich je 1 Kapsel.


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Hadi Boostani

   11 November 2016


Hello Mountains and plains around the place i live is full of medicinal herbs that are grown organically with rain water Around the city of shiraz in Iran there is a lot of medicinal plants that use them to treat a variety of diseases . For example in our culture people believe that the Thyme is anti microbe / Saffron best age spot remover Antidepressant , Cell formation and repair ,good for heart diseases and blood pressure / Chamomile for relax... . We have Descurainia sophia , Ziziphus , Mentha longifolia , Althaea officinalis and ... I would like to send you some medicinal dried plants . you can test them and tell me if need some more. I hope this communication can be base of succesful business and makes cultural communication between us. Thanks Hadi Boostani Shiraz,Iran .

+1 +4
Hadi Boostani

   11 November 2016


Hello Mountains and plains around the place i live is full of medicinal herbs that are grown organically with rain water Around the city of shiraz in Iran there is a lot of medicinal plants that use them to treat a variety of diseases . For example in our culture people believe that the Thyme is anti microbe / Saffron best age spot remover Antidepressant , Cell formation and repair ,good for heart diseases and blood pressure / Chamomile for relax... . We have Descurainia sophia , Ziziphus , Mentha longifolia , Althaea officinalis and ... I would like to send you some medicinal dried plants . you can test them and tell me if need some more. I hope this communication can be base of succesful business and makes cultural communication between us. Thanks Hadi Boostani Shiraz,Iran .

+1 +3

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