Razberi-K® Himbeerketone
Razberi-K® Himbeerketone
Code: SWD068
• Unterstützt die Verwaltung von Adiponektinv
• Himbeerketone sind ein aufputschmittelfreies Präparat zur Gewichtsabnahme
• Kombinieren Sie es mit gesunder Ernährung und Bewegung für ein gesundes Gewichtsmanagement

- Orders processing time 24 business hours
- Expected Time of Arrival 2-3 business days
- Delivery by DHL Express ( by AIR )
- Tracking number - available
- Shipping Cost - 5.99 EUR all over Europe for orders up to 1kg
Bei verschiedenen Talkshows murmeln Ärzte irgendwas über Himbeerketone. Wieso eigentlich? Weil Wissenschaftler derzeit die Möglichkeiten untersuchen, dass ein spezielles Keton, welches in Himbeeren vorkommt, einen gesunden Gewichtsverlust unterstützen könnte. Genaue Nachforschungen stehen noch aus, aber viele Mitmenschen, die den Verzehr von Himbeeren schon gesteigert und neue Nahrungsergänzungsmittel wie Razberi-K® einzunehmen begonnen haben, melden bereits reale Erfolge. Indem Sie nur zweimal täglich eine Razberi-K®-Kapsel zu sich nehmen, erhalten Sie eine größere Ketonen-Portion als in einer großen Obstschale voll frischer Himbeeren – und das zu einem viel niedrigeren Preis im Vergleich zu den frischen Früchten! Razberi-K® ist bestens für diejenigen geeignet, die ein aufputschmittelfreies Präparat für ein gesundes Gewichtsmanagement suchen.
Wie es aus Sicht von Wissenschaftlern funktioniert
Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Himbeerketone das Gewichtsmanagement auf zwei Arten zu unterstützen vermögen: Erstens, durch eine Verringerung der Aufnahme von diätetischem Fett, und zweitens, durch die Unterstützung von adrenalininduzierter Lipolyse (dem Abbau von Fett).*
Wie man mit Razberi-K® zum Erfolg kommt
Wie bei jedem Gewichtsmanagement-Programm hängt der Erfolg sowohl von der von Ihnen gewählten Lebensführung, als auch von den Präparaten Ihrer Wahl. Nehmen Razberi-K® zweimal täglich, ernähren Sie sich vernünftig und gut ausgewogen und gewöhnen Sie sich, sich regelmäßig ausreichend körperlich zu betätigen – die Kombination von ergänzenden diätetischen Hilfsmitteln wie Razberi-K® mit einem gesunden Lebensstil ist der beste Weg, Ihre Ziele mit Komfort und Leichtigkeit zu erreichen!
Klicken Sie auf die Erfahrungsberichte weiter unten, um die Meinungen unserer Kunden über Razberi-K®** zu lesen
* Die Erkenntnisse beruhen auf vorläufigen Ergebnissen mit (nichtmenschlichen) Tiermodellen
** Die Ergebnisse können sich unterscheiden
Zusatzstoffe: Braunes Reismehl, Gelatine; könnte einen oder beide der folgenden Inhaltstoffe enthalten: Magnesiumstearat, Siliciumdioxid.
Anwendungsempfehlung: Als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, nehmen Sie eine Kapsel zweimal täglich mit Wasser ein.
WARNHINWEIS: Nehmen Sie dieses Produkt nicht während Ihrer Schwangerschaft oder der Stillzeit ein.
Razberi-K® ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen von Integrity Nutraceuticals International, Inc.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Capsule
Amount Per Serving | % Daily Value | |
Razberi-K® Raspberry Ketones [4- (4-hydroxyphenyl) butan-2-one] | 100 mg | * |
*Daily Value not established.
Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule two times per day with water.
WARNING: Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing.
Razberi-K® is a registered trademark of Integrity Nutraceuticals International, Inc.
Size: | 100mg, 60 Kapseln |
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Diet pill scams are nothing new. From the now-outlawed pills of the 1980s and 90s that turned out to be (essentially) speed, to the current healthier-sounding supplements like green tea extract, which hawkers claim can aid healthy weight loss (they can't) and are 'endorsed' by big brands like the BBC, Women's Health and even Cosmo (FYI NONE of these brands endorse these products), there will always be criminals trying to dupe those looking to lose weight fast. But now, there's an even scarier diet pill scam out there that doesn't only promise things it can't deliver, it could end up leaving you hundreds of pounds poorer – legally. ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW RASPBERRY KEYTONE DIET SCAM Meet raspberry ketones: the 'all natural' supplement that's recently exploded onto the weight loss scene (as well as everywhere from Amazon to Wowcher) promising to boost energy, metabolism and elimination (yep, that means pooing) while decreasing appetite so you end up leaner and lighter simply by taking a pill. Magic, huh? The Scam: Part 1 It's easy enough to fall prey to this one: raspberries are natural, and the claims are presented in such a scientific-sounding way (one site claims: "Rasberry ketone breaks down fat molecules by helping the production of the protein hormone Adiponectin and has also been praised as a natural thermogenic") that surely it must do something good – or at least it can't hurt, right? RASPBERRY KEYTONE DIET SCAM Wrong. "There are no human studies to back up these claims," says nutritionist Naomi Mead. "Unlike medications which undergo years of rigorous testing, so-called 'diet pills' can be put onto the market with very little evidence to back up any health claims that are made alongside them," she adds. So not only do these pills absolutely not help you lose weight, they also haven't been tested properly – so who knows what they're doing to your body? The Scam: Part 2 But that's not the only scary thing about raspberry ketones. More and more people are realising far too late that when they sign up for a 'free trial' from certain dodgy websites, they inadvertently agree to terms and conditions that say if you don't return your free sample within a short period of time (around 14 days) you will be charged for the bottle you were sent (to the tune of around £100) AND be sent a new bottle every month (and charged) until you cancel – which can be nearly impossible as the companies end up ignoring you or simply disappearing. And sadly, it's legal for them to take your money because you agreed to their terms (which usually just means a tick-box was clicked automatically). ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW Internet forums are filled with people who have fallen victim to this scam, like user M Dee who said: "I had [the pills] for 2 days only as I experienced severe cramps. I emailed 'customer service' to cancel the very next day but got no response. I sent in 2 more emails and even tried the customer service number, but no response there too. I contacted my credit card company who said they would stop this payment. I contacted [the pill provider] again via email, this time they replied, conveniently after the 14-day trial period saying that they would get back to me in 3 working days. Surprise, surprise, they did not get back, but took out £87 from my credit card. They sent the pills in a parcel without a return address, so I was unable to send back the pills." And it's not just one company that behaves like this. Here's Barbara Ford's experience with an entirely different company: "I saw an advert on Facebook for a free trial, and was advised only package and shipping would be charged. However I have had 3 amounts of money taken from my credit card other than the postage, These amounts are £89, £93 and £95.95. I have contacted my bank and they were able to cancel the last 2 amounts as it was within the 12 days they supposedly give you. However £89 is what they have of mine. This is false advertising and there should be a law against this happening. The bank cancelled my card and are monitoring my account for any more transactions I have also contacted watchdog, and am going to complain to trading standards, I would not give this company any stars they are disgusting human beings." ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW RASPBERRY KEYTONE DIET SCAM So what can you do? We spoke with David McKelvey, Director at TM EYE which specialises in intellectual property investigations and private criminal prosecutions, whose team is currently working to bring the criminals behind raspberry ketones to justice. He told us: "This is a worldwide scam with a direct link to eastern European organised crime. We've even uncovered websites and forums run by the criminals where they're openly discussing how they're duping people." Scary stuff indeed. So what should you do if you've been a victim of the raspberry ketone scam? David advises: "First, make a complaint directly to your bank or credit card company and ask for a refund – forcefully – and be clear that this is fraud. Second, make an allegation with the police. The more people who put pressure on banks and the police, the more the scale of this problem will come to light." David's firm is currently trying to get the police to prosecute these criminals, but as he explained, "If the police don't do anything, my company will look to carrying out private prosecution in the criminal courts. If any victims want to contact us with their details, please email us at mail@tm-eye.co.uk. We can give you advice and keep your details on file to keep you in the loop about any potential court proceedings." The lesson? Stay as far away from diet pills as you can. For your health and your purse. RELATED SCARY NEW BATCH OF DIET PILLS WITH LETHAL CONSEQUENCES 18-YEAR-OLD DIES FROM TAKING DIET PILLS. WHY ARE WE STILL TAKING THEM?