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Code: FSSWU478

Category- 50% OFF
Type16 oz Pwdr (454 gr)

• 100% pure trehalose, a multi-functional sugar
• Quick-energy disaccharide naturally occurring in fungi and plants
• May be used in cooking & baking to replace sugar

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Value: € 23.99
Discount: 50.00%


€ 11.99
Shipped From European Union by DHL Express
  • Orders processing time 24 business hours
  • Expected Time of Arrival 2-3 business days
  • Delivery by DHL Express ( by AIR )
  • Tracking number - available
  • Shipping Cost - 5.99 EUR all over Europe for orders up to 1kg
  • Detailed Description

What if we could sweeten foods and beverages without sucrose (table sugar) and without chemical sugar substitutes (like aspartame or sucralose)? What if there was a sugar that not only sweetens but enhances flavor? And what if that sugar was actually good for you? Introducing trehalose (tree-UH-lowz), a sugar product now available for home use for the first time since its discovery over 175 years ago. Trehalose is sweet and energizing! This multi-functional sugar is a disaccharide consisting of two glucose molecules, and when metabolized, it releases both molecules—twice the glucose other forms of stored sugar release. This translates into quick energy. Sometimes trehalose is referred to as "mushroom sugar" because it is found in significant amounts in certain mushrooms. But the compound appears also in fungi like yeast, in seeds, in algae and in "resurrection plants"—desert plants that survive long periods of drought yet spring to life when provided moisture. As a sweetener, trehalose does not interfere with natural flavors and does not produce a rapid rise in blood glucose seen with sucrose and other sugars. The enzyme that digests trehalose is found primarily in the small intestine, which means it is not fully metabolized until 2 or 3 hours after digestion. This slow process may also be the key to sustained energy trehalose appears to offer.

Size: 16 oz Pwdr (454 gr)


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